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  • Haircut

    Anything from a tradition hair cut to different grades & styles. This is for customers who have a cut every 2 to 4 weeks to keep looking sharp & tidy .(excuses fades)

    30 minutes, £14.00

  • Skinfade

    Skin fades are anything from 0 upwards deping on how high or low you desire .foils can also be used to give that smooth finish 

    30 minutes, £16.50

  • Childrens Haircut ( Under 11 Years Old )

    Under 11's only .20 minutes (skin fades are extra) 

    15 minutes, £10.50

  • Pensioners Cut

    Traditional gents cut for our retired gents of  pension age 

    15 minutes, £8.75

  • Restyle

    A restyle is for hair that is over grown (3months ).Your hair will be washed with a cleansing shampoo and conditioner to rid the hair of any products .Your hair will be cut into a new style and shape on your request .We will then rinse off any loose hairs before drying & styling it to desired look 

    30 minutes, £20.00

  • One Grade All Over

    Price varies from 9 upwards depending on how many grades used & how long the hair is 

    15 minutes, £9.00

  • Beard Trim

    Beard trim with clipper guard and mini T liners to outline and takeaway neck hair

    15 minutes, £5.50

  • Neck Tidy

    Removal of unwanted and overgrown neck hair to  give a sharper look with a clean line .Over grown neck hair is known to  cause bobbling on collars on shirts especially polo styles

    15 minutes, £3.50

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